Kamis, 07 November 2013

New Baju 07 November 2013

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 bahan spandex dres juntai polos list besi - Rp 68.000

 bahan spandex Maxi strip - Rp 80.000

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 Setelan Levis navy,gray bahan babyterry - Rp 85.000

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 dress wedgess gerigi - Rp 125.000
 jumsuit katun rayon fit to M - Rp 115.000

 Kebaya Batik Yustira - Rp 150.000, Import! Batik Glitter Kombi Sifon SR

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 maxi sifon blink furing - Rp 135.000

red midie zipper - Rp 110.000

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